Business Consulting

Law Firm Law-Mo.Com

The firm offers wide-ranging advice to companies, especially including the examination of civil as well as commercial and corporate law issues. In particular, our assistance is aimed at solving the individual concrete problem that has arisen while at the same time trying to make companies aware of suitable means and precautions to avoid similar problems in the future with regard also to the assistance of governance dynamics, liability actions, withdrawal rights. Similarly, we provide comprehensive consultations pertaining to the organizational and legal structures of companies: in their constituent phase with regard to the operational needs and legal and technical problems related to the establishment of companies, including those controlled by foreign shareholders; in their subsequent evolution phase with extrajudicial and judicial assistance to the relevant operations, with the support and collaboration of Accountants.


Law firm
T. +39 0577 271356


Gianluca Occhionero

Giorgio Masina

Thomas Orest Rüdiger Röth

We work to provide you with the utmost professionalism and seriousness.