Employment Law

Law Firm Law-Mo.Com

Attorney Gianluca Occhionero heads the firm’s labor law department, assisting both companies and workers in this matter in handling issues both out-of-court and in eventual litigation in court, from the broadest and most complex private protection issues to employee asset reorganization.

Insight Adv. Occhionero, through the help of a team assists:

  • both companies and individuals in appeal proceedings for dismissal of various kinds, demotion, incorrect grading, vacation and salary entitlements, mobbing, straining and any dispute with a broad compensatory profile;
  • in conciliatory proceedings in trade unions and/or before the labor inspector and, especially for employer companies, in monocratic inspection procedures to reach a settlement through a Monocratic Conciliation Minutes, ex art. 11 Legislative Decree No. 124/2004;
  • in the most varied Labor Law matters relating to employees of the Public Administration also assisting public territorial entity, with a particular predisposition for the School and competition sphere and assistance in disciplinary procedures before the Competent Offices for disciplinary sanctions of the employee of the Public Administration ex art. 55-bis et seq. Legislative Decree 165/200;
  • conciliation and arbitration proceedings before the Territorial Labor Inspectorate for assistance with private disciplinary sanctions;
  • recovery and severance pay settlements before the Inps.

In addition, over the past few years, Attorney Occhionero, in collaboration with RA Attorney Thomas Röth of Liebert & Röth Rechtsanwälte PartmbB has had the opportunity to assist workers of German nationality in the area of Juslavorista with respect to contracts and issues in which Italian and German law intersect; such as, by way of example, dismissal disputes where the employee of German companies is dislocated in Italy, with application, from time to time, of Italian law to German rite and vice versa, as well as with respect to so-called cross-border workers.


Lawyer Gianluca Occhionero
T. +39 0577 45757
T. +39 0577 271356
M. g.occhionero@law-mo.com


Gianluca Occhionero

Giorgio Masina

Thomas Orest Rüdiger Röth

We work to provide you with the utmost professionalism and seriousness.